Tuesday 16 July 2013


I had a sudden craving for falafels and seeing a friend post pictures on Facebook didn't quite help the cause. I'd decided to make it over the weekend that went by in such a dizzying speed that I hardly had the time to breathe. Monday dawned and I'd made chapati and chole for lunch. A bowl of chole was left over and stuck into the fridge.

 This evening, as I was coming back from work, I suddenly remembered the chole. Why not, right?

This is what I did. Mashed the chole in a blender. It already had all the spices and salt; so I really didn't need to add anything extra. For the binding, I added some whole wheat flour and blended into a nice sticky dough. I made little balls out of those and fried them in oil. So simple, is it not?

I enjoyed this with a bit of horseradish sauce and some thick curd. 

This also reminds me of a dish that S made when I was stuck in the salon for a few hours. Previous day's paneer masala was ground in the blender, mixed with some rice flour for binding and deep fried into cutlets. It was delicious, especially after the grueling beauty treatments in the salon. :) :)

What better way to use up leftovers!

PS: As I was frying the falafels, I also rolled a small chunk of the dough into a thin parantha and cooked it in the tava. The result was just fabulous.


The falafel parantha ;-)

1 comment:

  1. If we are making this from scratch, then what masalas should I add?


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